Global Partnership Programme

Apart from undertaking its mandated activities, ISC has also been associating with International Organizations and regional associations for the development of sericulture and silk industry. Technical support is also being extended to non-member countries in areas leading to the development of sericulture and silk industry. Following are the details of such partnerships:
- ISC function as a referral agency for the project related activities that are funded by the UN agencies, World Bank and other international agencies,
- ISC signed Memorandum of Understanding with SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC), Dhaka and Afro-Asian Rural Development Organisation (AARDO), New Delhi for the development of sericulture and silk industry in African and Asian countries. As part of this, Regional Consultative Meetings for SAC and International Workshop for AARDO on sericulture and silk industry was organized at Mysore, India.
- ISC has been recognized by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and are invited to attend Meetings on matters related to sericulture and silk industry,
- ISC has been associated with International agencies like SAARC, ESCAP, UNESCO, ILO, DNFI, Afro Asian Rural Development Organizations, UNDP, UNIDO, WTO, ITC, SDC, etc for the development of silk industry,
- ISC has been providing technical support to many non-member countries like Central African Republic, Bulgaria, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Nigeria, Uganda, Cuba, Rwanda, Peru, Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Philippines, etc.
Future Plans – Global Partnership Programmes (GPP)
A recent in-house study undertaken by ISC on the sericulture industry in the world reveals that although there were attempts by various agencies to introduce and develop sericulture in many areas, the sustenance of the industry in the new areas is a major cause of concern, which needs to be properly addressed. The various linkages of the industry need to be established in an organized manner, at the same time empower the grass root level stakeholders in improving their skills. It is also critically important to facilitate convergence of assistance extended by the various agencies along with the right kind of technical expertise and support available for the sector. Keeping these factors in mind, ISC implement the Global Partnership Programmes, with the following objectives:
- For the coordinated development of sericulture and silk industry in the World, the silk producing countries, especially in Asian, African and Latin American countries shall be enrolled as Member Countries of ISC through regional associations or by directly contact with the Governments. This would help countries to avail facilities extended by ISC.
- ISC shall assist those countries for capacity building, dissemination of materials and resources, and taking up sericulture developmental programmes in coordination with other international agencies,
- ISC shall extend programmes like training, consultancy service, volunteer expert programmes and involve in collaborative research programmes,
- Can avail the Indian Technical Economic Programme (ITEC) of Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India in the areas of training, project related assistance, and sericulture experts as consultants.
- ISC has initiated collaboration with the following International Organizations and Regional Associations for the coordinated development of sericulture industry in the world:
- APEC (Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation)
- ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations)
- ADB (African Development Bank)
- ADB (Asian Development Bank)
- APO (Asian Productivity Organization)
- African Union
- European Union
- IMF (International Monetary Fund)
- ESCAP (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific)
- ESCWA (Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia)
- UNECA (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa)
- ECLAC (UN Economic Commission for Latin American and the Carribean)
- UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
- UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization)
- UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research)
- UNSIA (United Nations Special Initiative on Africa)
- IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)
- Common Wealth Secretariat
- Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
- KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency)
- The Colombo Plan Secretariat
- OECD (Organization of Economic Cooperation Development)
Are you interested ?
Interested countries may immediately write to the Secretary General, ISC for assistance under the Global Partnership Programmes.