Merits of Silk Industry

- The industry activities align with the 4 major Millennium Development Goals set by UN like; eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, promote gender equality and empower women, ensuring environmental sustainability, and develop a global partnership for development.
- High Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR) in comparison to any other rural avocation due to which silk industry has emerged as the ideal tool for employment generation and rural development.
- Major participation (80%) by the tribal and downtrodden people, due to which significantly contribute to the poverty alleviation programmes of the Government.
- Participation of women (60%) and family members leads to higher income flow to the family.
- 60% of the income from the sericulture industry is flowing to the primary producers; i.e. farmers.
- Enable flow of equity from rich (the higher level consumers) to poor ( the farmers, reelers, weavers etc.)
- Prevents urban migration and contribute to preserve the bio-diversity of rural areas and natural vanya food plant forest areas.
Low investment and higher return, short gestation period, and steady income throughout the year.
The activities are simple and can be taken by women and other family members along with their regular house hold chores.
Eco friendly production process, increases green cover, helps soil conservation and prevents soil erosion.
Carbon emitting is minimal as the industry is agro-based and labour intensive.
Land unsuitable for food crop cultivation could be used for sericulture.
The waste generated from the industry could be utilized various useful purposes.
A strong and assured domestic demand for silk and silk products which is consistently in the upward trajectory for the last 5 decades.
Increasing consumption of silk products witnessed in most of the developed countries leads to high demand in global market also.
Foreign exchange earning opportunity for the developing countries.