Sharing of Genetic Resources

Large quantity of genetic materials on silkworm and mulberry are dispersed around the world un-utilized, under-utilized, untapped or untouched. It is extremely important for the countries concerned to share these materials for research purpose thereby facilitating aggregation of potential traits for enhancing production, productivity and quality. All the years of hard work would be wasted if sericulture researchers do not utilize these genetic materials for the benefit of the poor farmers.
Keeping these facts into consideration, the Member Countries of ISC are committed to share permissible varieties of genetic resources through the ISC platform for research purpose.
Interested countries may write to ISC with their requirements.
The R&D institutes or agencies located in other countries can also exchange genetic materials through ISC on reciprocal basis. The exchange, however, shall take place in accordance with the prevailing rules of the country concerned.
Genetic materails were shared among; Bulgaria, India, Sweeden, Japan, Thailand, Kenya, Iran, Ghana, etc.
Are you interested ?
Interested Countries/ Institutions may write to ISC for sharing of genetic materials.