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  • Source advanced technologies, innovations, and expertise in sericulture and silk industry from sericulturally developing countries and reputed institutions through ISC,
  • Implement Sericulture Development Projects with technical support of ISC and sourcing funds from International funding agencies through ISC,

  • Participate in the research programmes of ISC thereby procure genetic resources and advanced technologies from different parts of the world,
  • Resolve emerging problems of industry by accessing the latest technologies available in the field,
  • Sourcing of technologies and findings from the frontier areas of research using silkworm as a biological model and silk as a material,
  • Participate in Global Partnership Programmes of ISC for availing facilities like; project related support, skill development training, scholarships and volunteer expert programmes,

  • Participate in Global Meetings on Sericulture and Silk Industry thereby familiarise with latest innovations, technologies, research findings, etc., for adoption in their countries,
  • Nominate candidates for the Louis Pasteur Award,
  • Promote the Country Branded Silk products through the ISC platform,
  • Free access to literature on Sericulture and Silk Industry (books and research articles published since 16th century),
  • Collaborate with the institutions and organizations associated with the various disciplines of sericulture and silk industry for mutual benefit, and 
  • Convergence of projects and progranmmes being implemented by various Agencies.