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1) What are the types of Membership available in ISC?

Membership is an important requirement for availing the various facilities extended by ISC through its own programme or those programmes channelized from International organizations and other agencies. There are three types of Memberships available in ISC;

(i) Country Membership,

(ii) Collective Associate Membership, and

(iii) Individual Associate Membership.

2) What are the procedures to be followed for a Country to join as a member of ISC?

The Governments of the countries can become Member Countries of ISC by agreeing to its Convention of 1957 and signing the Instrument of Accession. The sequence procedures are;

i) The Instrument of Accession form must be printed in the Official Letter Head of the concerned signatory and signed, in accordance with the Constitutional rules in force in each country, by the Head of State or the Head of Government or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Minister concerned with the Silk Industry. 

ii) The Embassy of the new member State delivers the text of he Membership document(s) to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the following Address:

Ministere des Affaires entrangeres
direction des Nations unies,
des orgnaisations internationles
des droits de1’homme et de la fancophonie
37, quia d’Orsay
75351 PARIS

Alternatively, the signed “Instrument of Accession” may also be send to ISC HQs, which may take necessary action to forward it to the French Foreign Ministry.

iii) The Embassy of the new member State in India delivers a copy of the text of the membership instrument to the Secretariat-General of the International Seri cultural Commission at the following address;

The Secretary General
International Sericultural Commission
Ground Floor, Central Silk Board Complex,
BTM Layout, Madiwala,
Bangalore 560 068,

iv) The French Government then notifies the other Governments bound by the convention of the date of membership, which is that of the date of deposit.

v) The countries that are becoming the Member Country need to pay an Annual Membership fee which is calculated based on a scientific formula. For making the payment, the ISC bank details are given below.

ISC Bank Reference:

Account No : 3188283389
Bank : Central Bank of India
Branch : Central Silk Board Branch, Bangalore, India
IFSC Code : CBIN0283975

For overseas transfer


vi) Once the signed Instrument of Accession is received and accepted by the ISC, the new country would become the Member Country of ISC. As mark of the country’s entry to ISC, the National Flag would be hoisted in front of the ISC Office along with other country flags and also the Flag would be respectfully used in all future functions of ISC. The Govt. of the new Member Country may depute a suitable person or the country’s representative in India for this very important and auspicious occasion at the HQs of ISC at Bangalore, India.

vii) The Govt. of the new country may nominate 5 Government representatives as delegates to ISC, which shall be headed by a senior person. The leader of the Group shall be designated as “National Delegate”, with whom all future correspondences between ISC and the Member Country would take place. While the National Delegate would be a Member of the Executive Committee, all the five delegates (including National delegate) would be members of the Chief Governing Council of ISC known as “Conference”.

3) What is Collective Associate Membership and the procedures to join for the same?

Institutions, Libraries, Associations, Provincial Governments, International, regional organizations, and individual agencies related to Sericulture and Silk Industry can enrol as Collective Associate Members by submitting the duly filled Application Form signed by Head of the Organization of by the individual himself along with the requires fee or the online transfer receipt to the Office of the International Sericultural Commission, Bangalore, India. The Membership should be renewed before March of every year by remitting the prescribed Membership fee.

ISC Bank Reference:

Account No : 3188283389
Bank : Central Bank of India
Branch : Central Silk Board Branch, Bangalore, India
IFSC Code : CBIN0283975

For overseas transfer


For details please visit ‘MEMBERSHIP’.

4) What is Individual Associate Member and the procedures to join for the same ?

Individual can enrol as Individual Associate Members by submitting the duly filled Application Form signed by them along with a Demand Draft for Euro 135 or the online transfer receipt to the Office of the International Sericultural Commission, Bangalore, India. The Membership should be renewed before March of every year by remitting the prescribed Membership fee.

ISC Bank Reference:

Account No : 3188283389
Bank : Central Bank of India
Branch : Central Silk Board Branch, Bangalore, India
IFSC Code : CBIN0283975

For overseas transfer


5) How do I purchase the scientific journal ‘Sericologia’ published by ISC?

ISC is a service organization committed for the development of sericulture and silk industry. ISC is involved in commercial activities. You can subscribe the ‘Sercologia’ by become an Associate Member of ISC.

For more details please visit ‘Membership’.

6) I would like to attend a training programme in Sericulture and industry?

Of course ISC undertake training programmes in sericulture and silk industry for the candidates deputed from its Member Countries. If you belongs to any of the thirteen member countries of ISC, please your request endorsed by the National Delegate of your country. Please visit PORTFOLIO’ to know the contact details of the National Delegate.

7) How can I avail the scholarship programmes of ISC?

The procedure is same like indicated at Question No.4, indicated above.

8) Whether ISC fund taking up Sericulture Projects in other countries?

ISC do not have the financial resources to fund the sericulture programmes and projects in member countries. However, ISC act as a interface between the Countries and the International funding agencies in project preparation, evaluation and implementation. ISC also perform as a referral agency for many international and regional association related with sericulture and silk industry.

Further, ISC provide various types of technical support to the countries like; training, consultancy, collaboration in R&D activities, volunteer expert service, sharing of genetic materials, linkage to fashion industry, information on sericulture and silk industry.

9) What are the criteria for awarding the Louis Pasteur Award instituted by ISC?

Louis Pasteur Award is considered as the Nobel Prize in silk industry. The award is given to individuals who have significantly contributed to the development of silk industry in their country or in the whole world. The award is given once in three years for a maximum of 3 persons. The award consists of a citation, medal and certificate.

The award is given only to the persons nominated from the Member countries. The nominations of member countries are evaluated by an expert committee constituted by ISC for recommending to the Executive Committee. The EC would take the final decision in deciding the award winner.

10) How do I enroll as a Volunteer under the Volunteer Expert Programme of ISC?

Individuals, whether working or not, who have got minimum of 10 years experience in the different disciplines of sericulture and silk industry can enroll as volunteers. Please download prescribed application form from the downloads. The application form submitted by the candidates would be evaluated by the ISC HQs and if found eligible would be enrolled as the Volunteer of ISC.

For details of the programme, please visit ‘CORE ACTIVITY’