Mission and Objectives

“Sericulture and silk industry to emerge as an economically viable rural enterprise for inclusive development and effective use of silkworm and silk in industrial, pharmaceutical and cosmetic sectors”

Development of sericulture industry in existing and new areas through coordinated actions and convergence of programmes extended by different countries, international organizations and other agencies
ISC to emerge as an affiliated agency under United Nations spearheading for the overall development of sericulture industry, including providing multilateral assistance for skill development and project related activities
Research and investigations in enhancing the production, productivity and quality of silk by taking up collaborative research programmes among countries and institutions
Specialized programmes and activities in capacity building, volunteer expert services, establishing linkages among the sectors, and enhancing facilities for common use
Global platform for exchange of ideas, knowledge, materials, products and resources
Frame global policy actions for silk industry and implement the same through the concerned global agencies
Protect the interest of silk, silk industry and the stakeholders at national and international levels
Enduring research explorations in frontier areas using silk as a “material” and silkworm as a "biological model"