Information to contributors

SERICOLOGIA is a peer reviewed biannual scientific journal dedicated to the science of sericulture, published by the International Sericultural Commission. Papers submitted to SERICOLOGIA should carry original contributions of scientific research (basic or applied) or reviews on any aspect of sericulture.
Submission of a paper to SERICOLOGIA implies that it has not previously been published, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and that, if accepted in SERICOLOGIA, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form without the written consent of the Chief Editor.
Manuscripts and illustrations must be prepared in British English on a standard A4 size paper setting. It should be typed in 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font in double spacing and single column with well set margins on top, bottom, left and right. Page numbers should be given at the bottom centre of every page.
The typescript should contain the following features:
Title: Title of the paper should be in a 14 point font. It should be bold typed, centered and fully capitalized.
Authors: Authors’ full name, address, mobile/fixed line numbers, and email/alternate email address should be in 10 point font and centered underneath the title. The first address should be of the centre at which the study was conducted. In the case of multiple ownership, the authors may indicate the correspondence address.
Abstract: Abstract must be the gist of the paper which should explain the background, aims, methods, results & conclusion in a single paragraph not exceeding 200 words.
Key words: Key words should follow the abstract, subject to a maximum of five, arranged in alphabetic order.
Main text: Main text should have serially arranged sections such as Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion for an effective and systematic presentation of the contents. Acknowledgements may be included if relevant. Only standard abbreviations should be used. Whenever specialized abbreviations are used, it should firstly be given in full with the abbreviation indicated in parenthesis. Scientific names should be given for all species used in the investigation.
Tables: Tables should be simple, centered, separately numbered & self explained, and titles must be above the tables. Sources of data if any should be mentioned below the table. All tables and figures should be referred to in the text.
Illustrations: Illustrations: All necessary illustrations should accompany the manuscript but should not be inserted in the text. Photographs, graphs and diagrams should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals in the order in which they are referred to in the text. Digital/electronic version of the graphs and photographs should be submitted as separate files. Graphs should be in excel format. Photographs should be of high resolution in jpeg format. Legends to figures should be typed on a separate sheet and not at the back of the original.
References: References: In the text, the referencing pattern should be Dupont (1964)/ (Dupont, 1964)/ Dupont and Durand (1964) or (Dupont and Durand, 1964). When a citation includes more than two authors, e.g., Dupont, Durand and Martin, the paper should be cited in the text as Dupont et al. (1964) or (Dupont et al., 1964). If papers by the same author(s) in the same year are cited they should be distinguished by the letters a, b, etc. following year of publication.
At the end of the text, the list of references prepared following Harvard Style of Referencing should be alphabetically arranged. References not cited in the text should not be included. References should be cited in the following pattern
Dollo M., Samal P. K., Sundriyal R. C. and Kumar K. (2009) Environmentally sustainable traditional natural resource management and conservation in Ziro Valley, Arunachal Himalaya, India. J. Am. Sci., 5: 41–52.
Ceci S. J., Williams W. M. and Barnett S. M. (2009) Women’s underrepresentation in science: Sociocultural and biological considerations. Psychol. Bull., 135: 218–261.
Russell E. W. (1961) Soil conditions and plant growth. (9th edition), John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Power J. F. (1990) Fertility management and nutrient cycling. In: Dry land agriculture, strategies for sustainability. Advances in soil science, Singh R. P., Parr J. F. and Stewart B. A. (Eds.), Springer Verlag, New York.
Fagoonee l., Schmuterer r., and Ascher K., R. S. (1987) Use of neem in vegetable crop c\protection in Mauritius. Proceedings of the 3rd International Neem Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, 10-15 July, 1986, pp. 419-429.
Online Resources: Always indicate the date that the source was accessed, as online resources are frequently updated or removed.
Print-ready proof is sent electronically. Corrections to proof should be restricted to printer’s errors only. The author should take a printout of the proof, mark the corrections legibly in red ink and send by speed post within 3 days of receipt. Alternatively, scanned images of the corrected proof can also be sent via email. If corrections are minimum, it may be indicated page-wise, column-wise and line-wise and intimated to the Chief Editor via email. If there are no corrections, the same may also be intimated to the Chief Editor.
Sericologia sends the reprints electronically in the form of PDF to the principal or corresponding author.